Faculty & Doctoral Student Research

Our faculty lead a portfolio of high quality, high impact, and frequently interdisciplinary research projects. In 2020, our faculty had a total research funding of $15.1 million. Among the many projects are studies of best practices to improve hospital quality and efficiency, evaluations of recent changes introduced by health care reform, studies integrating social science and genetic data and designs to understand causal effects of behaviors on health and healthcare utilization, and evaluations of innovations in health service delivery and payment, and studies focused on health and safety needs of the elderly, including pain management and skilled nursing care. Our faculty publish in top health services research journals such as Health Services Research, Medical Care, Health Affairs, The Gerontological Society of America Journal and the American Journal of Public Health, and in leading journals in related fields including economics, policy studies, organization and  management, and gerontology.

Students are highly involved in faculty research and contribute closely to the various research components including literature review, data handling, analysis, and manuscript writing. Many of our students have several publications before graduation from these research collaborations. Students are also expected to conduct their own independent research and write a publishable paper from that work paper as part of their training in the program, independently from the dissertation expectation.

See a complete list of faculty, their research and publications.